

The painting beautifully captures the essence of being in the center of attention. The pink spotlight, symbolizing fame or notoriety, bathes the boy's figure, highlighting him as the focal point. It conveys a sense of glory, where he is the star of the show, captivating the audience with his unique presence.
However, amidst the glory, there is also a sense of uncertainty. The boy's stare hints at a hidden vulnerability, a question mark that lingers in the air. Behind the confident facade, there is a glimpse of self-doubt, the weight of expectations and the fear of the unknown. It is a poignant reminder that the spotlight can be both exhilarating and daunting.
Through the powerful combination of colors and symbolism, this digital painting evokes a range of emotions. It invites viewers to reflect on the duality of being in the center of attention, capturing the dichotomy of glory and uncertainty that accompanies it.

Rs 12,500 ($40)


At first glance, the painting may appear chaotic and unsettling, with its jagged edges and sharp splinters. However, as you gaze deeper into the layers of the artwork, you begin to perceive a serene stillness emerging from within the shattered pieces.
The juxtaposition of chaos and calm invites viewers to contemplate the ephemeral nature of tranquility. Through bold brushstrokes and vibrant colors, I aimed to capture the emotional intensity of the experience. The combination of contrasting shades and textures creates a visual language that speaks directly to the viewer's subconscious, evoking a range of conflicting emotions. In the midst of the fragmented chaos, serene hues of blues and purples emerge, subtly soothing the senses. It is in this interplay of chaos and tranquility that the painting invites contemplation and reflection.

Rs 10,000 ($32)

Selfie Time

The play of light and shadow creates a chiaroscuro dance upon his visage, imbuing the scene with an ethereal quality. In this fusion of tradition and modernity, the stoic presence of just his chest is imbued with a sense of introspection and quiet contemplation. It is a portrait of a man tethered to both the physical and virtual realms, encapsulating the duality of human existence in the digital age.

Rs 5,000 ($15.55)

lucifer in the mirror

Fan art based on the book, Angels Before Man by rafael nicholas.

A breathtaking angelic figure adorned in lavishly embroidered attire, draped in lavender robes. Their features are cherubic, with plump cherry lips, wide innocent eyes, and a complexion akin to kissed copper. Wisps of flaxen hair cascade past their shoulders, adorned with an abundance of gem-studded jewelry. The angel's graceful movements and alluring physique evoke an unbearable sense of beauty, leaving the beholder utterly enchanted and achingly captivated.

Rs 10,000 ($32)

Viktor alone

Immerse yourself in a stunning portrayal of Viktor from the award winning TV show, Arcane, his brilliance and vulnerability rendered in shades of deep browns, capturing the depth of his character's internal struggle. The subtle touch of chromatic aberration adds a haunting quality, a visual reflection of the character's terminal illness. This captivating fanart invites fans to delve deeper into the complex emotions of the beloved character, evoking empathy and admiration in equal measure.

Rs 7,500 ($25)

the goldfish paradox

In this captivating painting, a child stands before a goldfish tank, her gaze fixed on the serene movements of the aquatic life. However, the true focal point lies within the tank, where the child's mesmerized reflection reveals an older and more mature version of herself. Bathed in a luminous glow, this future self exudes an aura of confidence and self-awareness, embodying the essence of femininity and identity.
The contrast between the radiant figure and the surrounding darkness underscores the internal struggle within the child. As she peers into the tank, she confronts the enigmatic amalgamation of curiosity, reservation, and ambiguity. The evocative imagery elicits a profound introspection, as the child grapples with the complexities of her evolving identity and the societal constructs of femininity.

This poignant piece invites the viewer to ponder the intricate interplay between self-discovery and the ethereal mysteries of the future.

Rs 7,500 ($25)